
Optimising the layout of your office space

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The health, motivation and productivity of your employees are impacted by their workspace. You are starting an office space design project and want to make your new office a comfortable, functional and sustainable interior space in line with your CSR policy? The layout of office spaces must follow several rules arising from legal obligations and office development principles that meet current design trends. Here is our advice for optimising the layout of your professional office spaces.

The main principles of professional office space design

All jobs involve risks. For someone working seated at a desk, these are mainly musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) linked to poor posture and a sedentary lifestyle. Among employees with a health problem linked to their work, many consider MSDs to be the biggest issue.

The layout of workstations provides a solution. The choice of office furniture and equipment must provide satisfactory ergonomics. This means that their design must adapt to the body shape, fitness level and habits of each employee.

Some equipment and furniture form the basis of an ergonomic workstation:

  • An adjustable office chair;
  • A screen placed at the right height thanks to a stand;
  • Foot rests;
  • An ergonomic wrist rest or mouse;
  • A sit-stand desk, which allows employees to change position during the day;
  • A desk lamp, to provide an additional light source if needed.

The lighting must be adequate for the tasks to be performed without being glaring. It should consist of natural light as much as possible. Windows letting in light, as well as the presence of plants, help create a pleasant indoor atmosphere.

When designing office spaces, you must keep in mind that a functional space with carefully chosen decor boosts employee well-being. Optimised working conditions and a positive experience go hand in hand. Quality of life at work (QWL) is an important aspect of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility).

Equipment for a CSR-oriented office space design

Office interior design should pursue the objectives set as part of a corporate social responsibility approach. The layout, ergonomics and decoration of the work environment must enhance employee well-being. Involving them in the office space design process strengthens their sense of belonging and creates a space tailored to their needs.

Then, when purchasing furniture and equipment, you must consider their impact on the environment and society. This analysis is based on criteria such as the origin of raw materials, the impact of manufacturing processes and ethical commitment throughout the supply chain. You should also look at energy consumption, product lifespan, and possibilities for repairing electrical equipment.

The CSR principles of workplace design also apply to remote working. An individual desk set up at home must be practical and comfortable. The computer screen should be placed at eye level, hands should be in line with the forearms and wrists supported by an ergonomic mouse or wrist rest. Lighting should be adequate while giving preference to natural light.

Lastly, employees must have equipment that facilitates remote teamwork (headset, webcam, etc.). Storage furniture like filing cabinets, for example, provide a space-saving storage solution.

Regulations to know for successfully designing a professional office space

According to the EU Framework Directive 1989/391/EEC, which has been transposed into the national laws of signatory countries, employers are responsible for the health and safety of their employees. They must identify risks and do everything possible to prevent employee exposure to these risks. They also ensure that hygiene rules are respected. Offices must be cleaned regularly and properly ventilated. Cleaning surfaces and renewing air reduces the risk of transmitting germs among teams.

To comply with legal safety requirements, office equipment must meet international standards. Standard EN 12464-1 sets requirements for lighting concerning intensity, colour rendering index and discomfort-causing glare (UGR). It should be noted that, henceforth, only low-consumption LED bulbs are authorised in the European Union. These bulbs consume little energy, have a long lifespan, and do not heat up.

International standard ISO 7730 provides the conditions for a comfortable thermal environment in the workplace. Regulating the temperature involves choosing a suitable heating and air conditioning system for the premises that is in line with the company’s CSR commitments. Air quality can also be improved with a humidifier, dehumidifier or air purifier.

To each work space its own specific layout

On business premises, each room serves a function. The reception area should be welcoming and have comfortable furniture with a style matching the office decor. Meeting rooms are a must when designing office spaces. The main element for designing a meeting space is the meeting table, which can be fixed or modular.

When designing a professional office space, creating an open space plan can meet new working practices such as flex office. With this concept, each employee occupies one of the available desks of their choice when they are in the office.

There are several ways to design an open plan office space. For example, you can install multiple work areas separated by partitions or storage furniture. Regular partitions can serve multiple purposes, such as creating a meeting room, and movable partitions offer great flexibility for easily rearranging the office layout. Acoustic partitions can also be used to create spaces for making calls. To enhance storage in the office space, the most practical solution is to install furniture like shelves or filing cabinets, which are very useful on a daily basis.

Want to start designing your office spaces right away? Contact our projects team on 0800 652 6000. You can also download our “Office space design: The guide to healthy and safe spaces” white paper to choose the equipment most suited to your needs.

Lauren Warwick