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Fabric Office Chairs – Product Information Guide

It might seem like a simple purchase, but when you spend around 8 hours a day and the equivalent of 5 years of your life sitting at a desk, taking the time to choose the right office chairs is important for your staff and your business.

The right chair can improve mood, productivity and the general wellbeing of your employees.

How to choose the right chair?

Before you commit to buying a chair or fitting out your office there are a few things to consider.


Where price shouldn't be the first and only consideration it is one that falls to the top of the list. Opting for the cheapest chairs won't always save you money, they'll need to be replaced more frequently and poor design could impact employee performance.

Spending a little more on something robust, adjustable ∓ comfortable will benefit you long term.


Making sure the chairs you purchase can easily be adjusted to suit the individual is important. No two employees are the same and they will need the flexibility to adjust chairs to suit them.

Ergonomics may sound daunting to some, but in reality you don't need to purchase an extravagant chair. The main features to look for are:

  • Can you adjust the height, back & seat tilt
  • Does the chair swivel 360 degrees
  • Are the armrests adjustable
  • Is the chair on castors or fixed
  • Do you need additional back, head or neck support

If you'd like to know more about ergonomic features check out our user guide here.

Type of Fabric

The fabric you choose is highly dependent on the look you're going for. If you've already decided on fabric office chairs, you may be aware that this is more breathable than leather or vinyl. It is can also be more cost effective and you have a much bigger choice in terms of colour.

Many of our fabric office chairs are hard wearing polyester, so will last a long time in terms of abrasion and colourfastness to light. All our chairs have a fire safety regulations listed in the product description so please check this complies with your requirements.

Branding, Design & Colour

How you design your office in terms of layout, colour and style are important factors when updating your office. It will impact how visitors perceive your brand or company and is said to influence your employees mood and productivity.

Green is said to represent balance and growth, whilst blue is associated with stability, boosting relaxation and intellectual thought.

You may already have a colour scheme in mind, but if you're looking to add some colour to your workplace we have a huge range of colourful fabric office chairs to choose from. From red, orange, blue, burgundy, black and everything in between.


The size and layout of your office and workspace will obviously impact the size of the chairs you can buy. Most standard office desks have a height between 712mm to 762mm which is the ideal height for most people who are between 5ft and 6ft tall who use a regular task chair.

Generally speaking a chairs seat should measure 15 – 17 inches from the back to the front edge and the width is typically 18 inches wide.

These work for the average user but we recommend you assess your employees for any additional requirements.

If you need advice, samples, or to ask us any questions please contact our friendly team.