Pallet Trucks

Manutan are specialist suppliers of pallet trucks. We offer specialist pallet trucks and trolleys for different environments, from high-lift-pallet-trucks for more specialist lifting to galvanised steel pallet trucks for damp and humid environments. Shop online for pallet trucks today and improve safety and efficiency in your warehouse or factory. Read more

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Pallet Trucks

Our pallet trucks and trolleys are fully compliant with all the necessary legislation and our prices are very competitive, so you can be sure to find a product which suits your budget. They are highly durable and hardwearing, and we offer various sizes, load capacities and prices to suit your requirements.

Find the right pallet track for your business and order in bulk for discounts. Browse our full range of pallet trucks and buy online today.

As well as our range of pallet trolleys, we also offer other manual handling equipment to improve your processes in the workplace. For example, we sell dollies and skates, sack trucks, lift tables and stackers. So, whatever your warehouse needs are, we can provide you with high-quality accessories and equipment you can rely on.

How to use a pallet truck safely

Using a pallet truck safely is essential for preventing injuries and accidents in warehouses and industrial settings. To ensure safe operation:

  • Inspect before use: always check the pallet truck for wear and tear, especially the hydraulics for raising and lowering the forks.
  • Follow load limits: adhere to the marked load limit on the truck. Overloading can cause tipping and injury.
  • Avoid ramps: if unavoidable, keep the load ahead when moving uphill and maintain fork height at 4-6 inches.
  • Braking: allow adequate stopping distance, especially if the truck is manually braked.
  • Pull, don't push: pulling offers better visibility and manoeuvrability.
  • Safe storage: lower the forks and store the truck away from traffic areas, with forks not protruding into walkways.

Pallet trucks and trolleys FAQs

What is a pallet truck?

A pallet truck is a type of wheeled trolley designed for handling and transporting large objects on pallets. Pallet trucks have two tapered front forks with entry guiding rollers which slot underneath a pallet.

Manually operated pallet trucks will then have a pump which the user manually pumps to raise or lower the pallets via a hydraulic system. Electric pallet trucks have a control panel making them easier to operate. Once raised, the user can then transport heavy loads with ease by simply pulling or pushing the pallet truck. Some pallet trucks also have a brake to increase the level of control the user has when stopping and starting.

When would you use a pallet truck?

Warehouses in particular benefit from using pallet trucks as they make the process of moving palletised loads much safer and easier. Essentially, any workplace which transports pallets can benefit from these types of easy-to-use trucks. Benefits of pallet trucks and trolleys include:

  • Improved efficiency in the workplace - pallet trucks help to speed up the process of transporting goods which saves time, allowing employees to focus on other tasks and be more productive.
  • Reduced risks associated with manual handling - as employees can operate a truck to lift heavy loads, they’re less likely to injure themselves.
  • Different pallet trolleys have designs and features suited to certain tasks - for example, high-lift pallet trucks are ideal for reaching pallet racking and shelving.

What types of pallet trucks and trolleys are there?

Here at Manutan, we have a variety of pallet trucks with different features and designs to cater to your specific needs. Our range includes:

Weigh scale pallet trucks - these are trucks which feature weighing scales so you can record accurate readings and prevent the weight limit from being exceeded. Some of our pallet trolleys with scales even feature an inbuilt printer to save time manually writing down load weights.

Electric pallet trucks - these are a great ergonomic option for many warehouses as they allow for easier lifting and manoeuvrability.

High-lift pallet trucks - these types of trucks are also known as scissor lift pallet trucks and they are ideal for loading and unloading pallet racking and lifting loads to a higher height.

Manual pallet trucks - these traditional style pallet trucks which are also known as hand pallet trucks or pump trucks can lift loads up to 2500kg and are simple to operate.

What is a pallet truck's safe maximum handling limit in the UK?

A pallet truck’s safe maximum handling limit in the UK depends on a number of factors, such as the type of pallet trolley in question, where it is being used and the distance it will need to transport goods across. That said, the maximum handling limit of a manual pallet truck will typically be around 700kg and 2300kg for an electric pallet truck

Before making a purchase, consider what loads you’ll likely be transporting to ensure the pallet trucks you choose will be fit for purpose. If you need any advice, our sales team is just a call away to help.

Are pallet trucks covered by LOLER?

LOLER stands for Lifting Operating and Lifting Equipment Regulations. These regulations are designed to ensure that lifting equipment is safe for employees to handle. When it comes to pallet trucks, they generally don’t lift loads very high as their main purpose is to transport items, so they won’t usually be subject to LOLER. That said, vehicles and equipment would fall under LOLER if they can lift loads higher than 300m. This means that by law, you would need to arrange for regular inspections to ensure that the equipment is compliant.

Are pallet trucks subject to PUWER regulations?

Pallet trucks are subject to PUWER requirements, which means that they must be:

  • suitable for the intended use.
  • safe for use, maintained in a safe condition and inspected to ensure it is correctly installed and does not subsequently deteriorate.
  • used only by people who have received adequate information, instruction and training.
  • accompanied by suitable health and safety measures, such as protective devices and controls.

What size is a standard pallet truck?

The definition of ‘standard’ varies across industries, as different pallet types require specific trucks. For Euro pallets (1200mm x 800mm), typically entered by the 800mm side, a 540mm truck with a 1150mm fork length is considered the norm. British, US, or GKN (Blue) pallets, approximately a metre wide, work best with the wider 685mm trucks, and a 1000mm length is ideal for GKN pallets.

Are manual pump trucks and electric pallet trucks operated in the same way?

Despite the obvious differences between electric and hand pallet trucks, their operational methods are similar. Electric pallet trucks use powerful battery technology to provide drive and lift support, while manual pallet trucks, as the name suggests, need hand-pumping for activation.

Do you need a licence for an electric pallet truck?

While you don't need a specific licence to operate an electric pallet truck, it's crucial for operators to receive appropriate training, in accordance with PUWER regulations. The employer must ensure their staff are adequately trained to operate the truck safely. This training often results in accreditations, which might have an expiry date, necessitating periodic refresher courses. It's vital to keep up-to-date training records and conduct regular risk assessments.

How often do pallet trucks need to be inspected?

If a pallet truck is able to lift loads over 300m high, it will need to be inspected at least once a year to ensure that it is safe for use in the workplace

Our expert recommends….

To ensure your pallet truck complies with PUWER regulations, a competent person must inspect pallet trucks at least once a year – so make sure you set a date in the calendar for inspection so you don’t forget!

Want to find out more about pallet trucks and trolleys?

Find out more about pallet trucks by reading our blog. You’ll find useful articles such as:

If you have any questions about our pallet trucks and trolleys or our other products, please do feel free to contact our friendly sales team.