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Only 1 drawer at a time can be opened to ensure stability and prevent tilting. All drawers have 100% extension for easy access, and a central locking system. Scuff-resistant powder coating. Maximum weight capacity of 75kg per drawer. Full width ergonomic handles which can be labelled. Ideal for storing small parts. Internal drawer size: 400x400mm. Adjustable drawer dividers available to create a range of small component storage.
Bott Cubio Drawer Cabinets WxD 800x525mm
Ideal for storing small and medium size parts. Drawer depth 525mm
Only 1 drawer at a time can be opened to ensure stability and prevent tilting. All drawers have 100% extension for easy access, and a central locking system. Scuff-resistant powder coating. Maximum weight capacity of 75kg per drawer. Full width ergonomic handles which can be labelled. Ideal for storing small parts. Internal drawer size: 400x400mm. Adjustable drawer dividers available to create a range of small component storage. Made in UK Customer warranty : 10 years Max. load per shelf (kg) : 0
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Drawer height 1 X 100MM 1 X 175MM Recycled packaging (%) 21 % Product Name Bott Cubio Drawer Cabinets WxD 800x525mm Type of lock Cylinder lock Max. load per drawer (kg) 75 kg Product origin Made in UK Customer warranty 10 years Percentage recycled (%) 20 % PEIS - Environmental category Storage with drawers
Drawer height 1 X 100MM 1 X 125MM 1 X 150MM Recycled packaging (%) 24 % Product Name Bott Cubio Drawer Cabinets WxD 800x525mm Type of lock Cylinder lock Max. load per drawer (kg) 75 kg Product origin Made in UK Customer warranty 10 years Percentage recycled (%) 20 % PEIS - Environmental category Storage with drawers
Drawer height 1 X 100MM 1 X 125MM 1 X 150MM Recycled packaging (%) 24 % Product Name Bott Cubio Drawer Cabinets WxD 800x525mm Type of lock Cylinder lock Max. load per drawer (kg) 75 kg Product origin Made in UK Customer warranty 10 years Percentage recycled (%) 20 % PEIS - Environmental category Storage with drawers
Drawer height 1 X 100MM 1 X 175MM Recycled packaging (%) 21 % Product Name Bott Cubio Drawer Cabinets WxD 800x525mm Type of lock Cylinder lock Max. load per drawer (kg) 75 kg Product origin Made in UK Customer warranty 10 years Percentage recycled (%) 20 % PEIS - Environmental category Storage with drawers
Drawer height 1 X 100MM 1 X 125MM 1 X 150MM Recycled packaging (%) 24 % Product Name Bott Cubio Drawer Cabinets WxD 800x525mm Type of lock Cylinder lock Max. load per drawer (kg) 75 kg Product origin Made in UK Customer warranty 10 years Percentage recycled (%) 20 % PEIS - Environmental category Storage with drawers
Drawer height 1 X 100MM 1 X 175MM Recycled packaging (%) 21 % Product Name Bott Cubio Drawer Cabinets WxD 800x525mm Type of lock Cylinder lock Max. load per drawer (kg) 75 kg Product origin Made in UK Customer warranty 10 years Percentage recycled (%) 20 % PEIS - Environmental category Storage with drawers
Drawer height 1 X 100MM 1 X 125MM 1 X 150MM Recycled packaging (%) 24 % Product Name Bott Cubio Drawer Cabinets WxD 800x525mm Type of lock Cylinder lock Max. load per drawer (kg) 75 kg Product origin Made in UK Customer warranty 10 years Percentage recycled (%) 20 % PEIS - Environmental category Storage with drawers
Drawer height 1 X 100MM 1 X 175MM Recycled packaging (%) 21 % Product Name Bott Cubio Drawer Cabinets WxD 800x525mm Type of lock Cylinder lock Max. load per drawer (kg) 75 kg Product origin Made in UK Customer warranty 10 years Percentage recycled (%) 20 % PEIS - Environmental category Storage with drawers
Drawer height 1 X 100MM 1 X 175MM Recycled packaging (%) 21 % Product Name Bott Cubio Drawer Cabinets WxD 800x525mm Type of lock Cylinder lock Max. load per drawer (kg) 75 kg Product origin Made in UK Customer warranty 10 years Percentage recycled (%) 20 % PEIS - Environmental category Storage with drawers
Drawer height 1 X 100MM 1 X 125MM 1 X 150MM Recycled packaging (%) 24 % Product Name Bott Cubio Drawer Cabinets WxD 800x525mm Type of lock Cylinder lock Max. load per drawer (kg) 75 kg Product origin Made in UK Customer warranty 10 years Percentage recycled (%) 20 % PEIS - Environmental category Storage with drawers
× Product Name Bott Cubio Drawer Cabinets WxD 800x525mm Type of lock Cylinder lock Max. load per drawer (kg) 75 kg Product origin Made in UK Customer warranty 10 years Percentage recycled (%) 20 % PEIS - Environmental category Storage with drawers