All You Need to
Work Well...
From Home

The most effective way to fight the spread of coronavirus is to limit physical contact. In response to this need, one of the most effective solutions is for a business to make homeworking an option for its employees as often as possible. So far, almost 50% of jobs in the private sector are now suited to some element of remote working.
Whether you’ve been working at home for some time, or this practice is new for you, it’s necessary to organise your home working environment to both remain productive and also look after your mental well-being.

Discover our homeworking range:

Stay organised at home

Discover everything you need to work well and stay in touch with colleagues

Home-working: staying in touch with colleagues

Whilst it might seem a little strange, home-working, if done right, can genuinely boost team spirit!
So, as we have no choice but to work from home right now, how do we continue to be a team?

The modern workplace is versatile and ever changing. More and more, people and businesses are considering the environmental impact of the daily commute and looking at ways to reduce their carbon footprint. If you're a freelancer, self employed or someone who has the opportunity to work from home, ensuring that your workspace is comfortable, functional and efficient is essential.
Manutan UK are proud to offer a huge range of home office furniture to help those choosing to work from home. Whether you're looking for Desks, Drawer Pedestals, Office Storage or Monitor Risers, we're sure to have what you need.

Where Can I Buy Home Office Furniture?

You can buy home office Furniture directly from Manutan online. Whether you need Stationery or Extension Leads, Mantuan are a leading supplier of Home Office Furniture in the UK.

We are a leading manufacturer and supplier of home office furniture and also stock a vast array of popular brands. If you require anything not covered in this range, our sourcing team can help find exactly what you’re looking for.