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- Tested to the prestigious European S2 Security standard (EN14450 - ECB.S Certified), giving cash cover of £4,000 or Valuables cover of £40,000.
- UK Police approved (Secured by Design scheme) and the Association of Insurance Surveyors (AiS).
- Tested to the International NT Fire 017-60 fire test standard, providing 60 minutes of fire protection for paper documents.
- Fitted with a high security double bitted VdS class I key lock.
- Double wall construction with anti-drill plates and re-locker protection for the door to provide excellent strength and safety.
- Ready prepared for floor or wall fixing, with fixing bolts for concrete floors or brick walls supplied.
- Finished in a high-quality scratch-resistant White paint RAL9003.
- Suitable for storage of controlled drugs whose active ingredients do not exceed 500 grams.
Phoenix Fortress Pro Security Compliant Safes - Key Locks
Tested to the latest prestigious European standards for both Fire and Security Protection
- Tested to the prestigious European S2 Security standard (EN14450 - ECB.S Certified), giving cash cover of £4,000 or Valuables cover of £40,000.
- UK Police approved (Secured by Design scheme) and the Association of Insurance Surveyors (AiS).
- Tested to the International NT Fire 017-60 fire test standard, providing 60 minutes of fire protection for paper documents.
- Fitted with a high security double bitted VdS class I key lock.
- Double wall construction with anti-drill plates and re-locker protection for the door to provide excellent strength and safety.
- Ready prepared for floor or wall fixing, with fixing bolts for concrete floors or brick walls supplied.
- Finished in a high-quality scratch-resistant White paint RAL9003.
- Suitable for storage of controlled drugs whose active ingredients do not exceed 500 grams.
Customer warranty : 2 years
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- Effective depth (mm)
- 220 mm
- Effective height (mm)
- 190 mm
- Effective width (mm)
- 305 mm
- Product Name
- Phoenix Fortress Pro Security Compliant Safes - Key Locks
- Type of lock
- Cylinder lock
- Customer warranty
- 2 years
- Effective depth (mm)
- 295 mm
- Effective height (mm)
- 205 mm
- Effective width (mm)
- 330 mm
- Product Name
- Phoenix Fortress Pro Security Compliant Safes - Key Locks
- Type of lock
- Cylinder lock
- Customer warranty
- 2 years
- Effective depth (mm)
- 295 mm
- Effective height (mm)
- 380 mm
- Effective width (mm)
- 250 mm
- Product Name
- Phoenix Fortress Pro Security Compliant Safes - Key Locks
- Type of lock
- Cylinder lock
- Customer warranty
- 2 years
- Effective depth (mm)
- 295 mm
- Effective height (mm)
- 380 mm
- Effective width (mm)
- 330 mm
- Product Name
- Phoenix Fortress Pro Security Compliant Safes - Key Locks
- Type of lock
- Cylinder lock
- Customer warranty
- 2 years
- Product Name
- Phoenix Fortress Pro Security Compliant Safes - Key Locks
- Type of lock
- Cylinder lock
- Customer warranty
- 2 years