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- Multipurpose, robust cardboard box with thick walls.
- Highly resistant to bursting and compression.
- Please Note: The boxes have low sensitivity to moisture and temperature variations.
- All Manutan products are tested and approved by our teams.
Recycled cardboard box - Single wall - Thick wall - Manutan Expert
Robust and durable, ideal for transport and storage.
- Multipurpose, robust cardboard box with thick walls.
- Highly resistant to bursting and compression.
- Please Note: The boxes have low sensitivity to moisture and temperature variations.
- All Manutan products are tested and approved by our teams.
- Flute : Single fluting
{0} (Incl. VAT)
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- We'll beat any price by 5%
There are 6 options to select from
We found {0} product(s) matching your selection
- Internal length (mm)
- 425 mm
- Internal width (mm)
- 310 mm
- Internal height (mm)
- 340 mm
- External width (mm)
- 318 mm
- Percentage recycled (%)
- 100 %
- External height (mm)
- 356 mm
- External length (mm)
- 433 mm
- Product Name
- Recycled cardboard box - Single wall - Thick wall - Manutan Expert
- Quality (Mass) (kg)
- 20 kg
- What to package
- Fragile product, Medium volume, Light product, Mid-weight product
- How to package
- Send, Package in cardboard, Packaging
- Contains recyclable materials
- Yes - 100%
£51.25 excl. VAT
pack of 25 units
- Internal length (mm)
- 480 mm
- Internal width (mm)
- 330 mm
- Internal height (mm)
- 300 mm
- External width (mm)
- 336 mm
- Percentage recycled (%)
- 100 %
- External height (mm)
- 306 mm
- External length (mm)
- 486 mm
- Product Name
- Recycled cardboard box - Single wall - Thick wall - Manutan Expert
- Quality (Mass) (kg)
- 20 kg
- What to package
- Fragile product, Medium volume, Light product, Mid-weight product
- How to package
- Send, Package in cardboard, Packaging
- Contains recyclable materials
- Yes - 100%
£69.50 excl. VAT
pack of 25 units
- Internal length (mm)
- 600 mm
- Internal width (mm)
- 400 mm
- Internal height (mm)
- 400 mm
- External width (mm)
- 406 mm
- Percentage recycled (%)
- 100 %
- External height (mm)
- 406 mm
- External length (mm)
- 606 mm
- Product Name
- Recycled cardboard box - Single wall - Thick wall - Manutan Expert
- Quality (Mass) (kg)
- 20 kg
- What to package
- Fragile product, Medium volume, Light product, Mid-weight product
- How to package
- Send, Package in cardboard, Packaging
- Contains recyclable materials
- Yes - 100%
£54.50 excl. VAT
pack of 20 units
- Internal length (mm)
- 500 mm
- Internal width (mm)
- 335 mm
- Internal height (mm)
- 250 mm
- External width (mm)
- 341 mm
- Percentage recycled (%)
- 100 %
- External height (mm)
- 256 mm
- External length (mm)
- 506 mm
- Product Name
- Recycled cardboard box - Single wall - Thick wall - Manutan Expert
- Quality (Mass) (kg)
- 20 kg
- What to package
- Fragile product, Medium volume, Light product, Mid-weight product
- How to package
- Send, Package in cardboard, Packaging
- Contains recyclable materials
- Yes - 100%
£51.25 excl. VAT
pack of 25 units
- Internal length (mm)
- 600 mm
- Internal width (mm)
- 400 mm
- Internal height (mm)
- 300 mm
- External width (mm)
- 406 mm
- Percentage recycled (%)
- 100 %
- External height (mm)
- 306 mm
- External length (mm)
- 606 mm
- Product Name
- Recycled cardboard box - Single wall - Thick wall - Manutan Expert
- Quality (Mass) (kg)
- 20 kg
- What to package
- Fragile product, Medium volume, Light product, Mid-weight product
- How to package
- Send, Package in cardboard, Packaging
- Contains recyclable materials
- Yes - 100%
£60.50 excl. VAT
pack of 20 units
- Internal length (mm)
- 500 mm
- Internal width (mm)
- 400 mm
- Internal height (mm)
- 400 mm
- External width (mm)
- 406 mm
- Percentage recycled (%)
- 100 %
- External height (mm)
- 406 mm
- External length (mm)
- 506 mm
- Product Name
- Recycled cardboard box - Single wall - Thick wall - Manutan Expert
- Quality (Mass) (kg)
- 20 kg
- What to package
- Fragile product, Medium volume, Light product, Mid-weight product
- How to package
- Send, Package in cardboard, Packaging
- Contains recyclable materials
- Yes - 100%
£68.90 excl. VAT
pack of 20 units
- Product Name
- Recycled cardboard box - Single wall - Thick wall - Manutan Expert
- Quality (Mass) (kg)
- 20 kg
- What to package
- Fragile product, Medium volume, Light product, Mid-weight product
- How to package
- Send, Package in cardboard, Packaging
- Contains recyclable materials
- Yes - 100%
Our expert's opinion
"I always keep my inventory up to date to be able to ship as rapidly as possible."
Maximilien, Warehouse Category Manager at Manutan EXPERT
Our expert's opinion
"I accelerate time to reproduce 10 years of use on a piece of furniture in a few hours only."
Thibault, Quality Manager at Manutan EXPERT