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Insurance/police approved 5 lever deadlock, with heavy duty brass keys. Features a cable passing point, which allows tools to be charged whilst securely inside your Tuffbank. Fully welded handles are inset to save space, but still suitable for crane lifting. Fully concealed lock, with hardened steel anti-theft plating. Extra strong fully welded and concealed hinge. Rigid lid support stay, for enhanced user safety. Gas struts, to aid lid opening. Forklift stays – standard on site boxes. The cost-effective way to store your valuable tools and equipment, both on-road and on-site. Built to a very high specification, theft from these units is almost impossible. Install van and truck units with the confidence that your valuable equipment will be there on your return! Tested and certified by Sold Secure and Secured by Design, the UK’s official police preferred specification.
Tuffbank Storage Containers - Secure Tool Storage - Armorgard
The cost-effective way to store your valuable tools and equipment, both on-road and on-site.
Insurance/police approved 5 lever deadlock, with heavy duty brass keys. Features a cable passing point, which allows tools to be charged whilst securely inside your Tuffbank. Fully welded handles are inset to save space, but still suitable for crane lifting. Fully concealed lock, with hardened steel anti-theft plating. Extra strong fully welded and concealed hinge. Rigid lid support stay, for enhanced user safety. Gas struts, to aid lid opening. Forklift stays – standard on site boxes. The cost-effective way to store your valuable tools and equipment, both on-road and on-site. Built to a very high specification, theft from these units is almost impossible. Install van and truck units with the confidence that your valuable equipment will be there on your return! Tested and certified by Sold Secure and Secured by Design, the UK’s official police preferred specification.
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Effective width (mm) 920 mm Steel thickness (mm) 0.67 mm Effective length (mm) 470 mm Effective height (mm) 450 mm Product Name Tuffbank Storage Containers - Secure Tool Storage - Armorgard
£475.00 -20%
£380.00 excl. VAT
Effective width (mm) 1120 mm Steel thickness (mm) 0.67 mm Effective length (mm) 470 mm Effective height (mm) 450 mm Product Name Tuffbank Storage Containers - Secure Tool Storage - Armorgard
£669.00 -26%
£495.00 excl. VAT
Effective width (mm) 1120 mm Steel thickness (mm) 0.67 mm Effective length (mm) 590 mm Effective height (mm) 540 mm Product Name Tuffbank Storage Containers - Secure Tool Storage - Armorgard
Effective width (mm) 1120 mm Steel thickness (mm) 0.67 mm Effective length (mm) 590 mm Effective height (mm) 840 mm Product Name Tuffbank Storage Containers - Secure Tool Storage - Armorgard
Effective width (mm) 1120 mm Steel thickness (mm) 3 mm Effective length (mm) 590 mm Effective height (mm) 1175 mm Product Name Tuffbank Storage Containers - Secure Tool Storage - Armorgard
£1,995.00 -30%
£1,389.00 excl. VAT
Effective width (mm) 1495 mm Steel thickness (mm) 3 mm Effective length (mm) 590 mm Effective height (mm) 1175 mm Product Name Tuffbank Storage Containers - Secure Tool Storage - Armorgard
£1,965.00 -21%
£1,555.00 excl. VAT
× Product Name Tuffbank Storage Containers - Secure Tool Storage - Armorgard