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- Anti-slip steel treads help stop the user slipping.
- Twin handrails for user safety.
- Retractable front castors, operated by a hand lever.
- Sturdy nylon castors allow easy positioning.
- A welded tubular steel build.
- The number of treads includes the top platform.
- The overall height is from the bottom of the platform handrail to the top of the platform handrail.
Warehouse Step Ladders With Anti-Slip Steel Steps
Anti-slip metal steps with secure footholds, for reaching high places.
- Anti-slip steel treads help stop the user slipping.
- Twin handrails for user safety.
- Retractable front castors, operated by a hand lever.
- Sturdy nylon castors allow easy positioning.
- A welded tubular steel build.
- The number of treads includes the top platform.
- The overall height is from the bottom of the platform handrail to the top of the platform handrail.
Up to -100%
£562.80 incl. VAT
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There are 9 options to select from
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Number of steps (including platform):
- Number of steps (including platform)
- 4
- Platform height (mm)
- 995 mm
- Working height (mm)
- 2520 mm
- Product Name
- Warehouse Step Ladders With Anti-Slip Steel Steps
- Number of steps (including platform)
- 5
- Platform height (mm)
- 1250 mm
- Working height (mm)
- 2775 mm
- Product Name
- Warehouse Step Ladders With Anti-Slip Steel Steps
£639.00 -10%
£575.00 excl. VAT
- Number of steps (including platform)
- 6
- Platform height (mm)
- 1500 mm
- Working height (mm)
- 3025 mm
- Product Name
- Warehouse Step Ladders With Anti-Slip Steel Steps
- Number of steps (including platform)
- 8
- Platform height (mm)
- 2000 mm
- Working height (mm)
- 3525 mm
- Product Name
- Warehouse Step Ladders With Anti-Slip Steel Steps
- Number of steps (including platform)
- 9
- Platform height (mm)
- 2250 mm
- Working height (mm)
- 3775 mm
- Product Name
- Warehouse Step Ladders With Anti-Slip Steel Steps
- Number of steps (including platform)
- 10
- Platform height (mm)
- 2500 mm
- Working height (mm)
- 4025 mm
- Product Name
- Warehouse Step Ladders With Anti-Slip Steel Steps
- Number of steps (including platform)
- 11
- Platform height (mm)
- 2750 mm
- Working height (mm)
- 4275 mm
- Product Name
- Warehouse Step Ladders With Anti-Slip Steel Steps
- Number of steps (including platform)
- 12
- Platform height (mm)
- 3000 mm
- Working height (mm)
- 4525 mm
- Product Name
- Warehouse Step Ladders With Anti-Slip Steel Steps
- Number of steps (including platform)
- 14
- Platform height (mm)
- 3500 mm
- Working height (mm)
- 5025 mm
- Product Name
- Warehouse Step Ladders With Anti-Slip Steel Steps
- Product Name
- Warehouse Step Ladders With Anti-Slip Steel Steps